
This category contains 12 posts

Letter from the Founder…

In August of 2011 I launched Esleek. During the years, I’ve connected with countless individuals, some of which inspired me to work harder, and some who’ve been a pleasure to work with. There were life changing events that occurred in which I was disheartened to report, ie; the acquittal of George Zimmerman, The Gang violence … Continue reading

How Chicago Became “Chiraq”

In the early 90’s Chicago was basking in the Spotlight. The presence of one of the most influential resident had the city at the helm. Michael Jordan led the Chicago Bulls to 3 consecutive championships. The world literally placed the Bulls on a pedestal; as a result, the city of Chicago became a household name. … Continue reading

Dave Chappelle blasts Hartford, Connecticut

Dave Chappelle Blasts Hartford, Connecticut: After a hiatus from comedy, Dave Chappelle returned to the stage to headline the Oddball Comedy and Curiosity Festival presented by Funny or Die. During his performance in Hartford, Connecticut; Chappelle walked off the stage due to a heckling audience. While performing in Chicago, Mr. Chappelle voiced his frustrations on … Continue reading


The N word has a history of negative connotations. During the years of slavery the word was used before, during, and after an act of violence toward African-Americans. As time went by, the word became common and seemed to be the norm in American dialogue and literature. Authors such as Mark Twain, Agatha Christie,and Dick … Continue reading

R.I.P Trayvon…

On February 26, 2012; 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was on his way to his father’s Town House in Sanford, Florida from visiting a local Seven Eleven. A Crime Watch volunteer named George Zimmerman noticed Trayvon (donned in a gray hoodie) and immediately profiled the teen; which prompted a call to 911 by Zimmerman. Ignoring the operator’s request … Continue reading

Chronicles of the Angry Black Woman…

We’re all familiar with the term “Angry Black Man” and “Angry Black Woman” however, the stigma of the latter phrase offer more of a sting. Black Women played a pivotal role in the Civil Rights movement in the mid fifties throughout the late sixties. While most Black Women played a minor role in comparison to prominent Black men, women … Continue reading

Editor’s Letter

The past few months has been filled with surprises, triumph, tribulations, and drama. However, as the dust settles, I remained unscathed; like Maya Angelou “Still I rise.” As we approach this New Year I plan to dream big; new ventures, new relationships, and most of all indefinable success. While some of us didn’t have a … Continue reading


Privacy! We all need it and we’re all entitled to it, however, we don’t always get it. Being married or being in a serious relationship may alter the amount of privacy one may receive. Not because of our partner’s insecurity, but due to our negligence of leaving “private” things in plain view. I often question the … Continue reading

Are Traditional Marriages Dead?

For most women, marriage is something they dreamed of since youth. It seem like it was only yesterday when marriage was heavily promoted. Remember Ken and Barbie? The two was branded as America’s “poster couple”. Marriage was so prominent, that the thought of having a child out-of-wedlock was taboo. Let’s take a look at some TV … Continue reading

I Co-Sign….

After a long hard day of work, we all want something to relax to when the kids are off to bed. Whether it be, snuggling with your hubby, or catching your favorite show on TV, you look forward to some “me” time. While others are creating more babies, or getting their nightly fix of reality … Continue reading

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