Small Talk & Celebrity Gossip

Tyler Perry donates $1M, Cornel West calls out Al Sharpton, and more…


Tyler Perry

Tyler Perry donates $1M to TD Jakes Youth Center:

Screenwriter / Producer Tyler Perry attended the Potter’s House in Dallas, Texas for the annual Megafest held by Bishop TD Jakes. Tyler Perry caught the entire congregation off guard as he announced his donation of 1 Million dollars to church’s youth center. During the service, Perry approached the stage to deliver an impromptu message: “I love to give. I’ve been a giver all of my life” Perry said. As the crowd cheered, Perry continued; “All of my life, my mother, she didn’t have much to give me. She didn’t have millions of dollars, she didn’t have a legacy, but she had Jesus”.

Not knowing Bishop Jakes was trying to build a youth center, Perry stated he was “Touched to give a million dollars.” Perry went on to say, “When you hear the voice of God, you move. Don’t worry about your enemy; don’t worry about your hater. He will bless you.”

Perry also offered some inspiration to those worrying about their haters; “In order for you to be blessed, your haters have to be present. How do I know that? The book of psalms said he prepareth a table before me in the presence of my enemy. So in order for me to eat, they have to be present.”

                                                                                       Cornel West Calls out Rev. Al Sharpton:


Dr. Cornel West

Dr. Cornel West had some choice words for Reverend Al Sharpton and Michael Eric Dyson on his Radio show Smiley & West. Apparently, West was not pleased about the way Al Sharpton represented Martin Luther King on the 50th Anniversary of Dr. King’s “I have a dream speech.”

Mr. West stated that Dr. King would want people to speak about war crimes, the new Jim Crow and the privatization of education.  However, according to West, the major speakers of the march did not represent the “Truth”, what spectators received instead, was a conversation “Mainly talking about voting rights and vague references to jobs.” In the middle of his dialogue, West also mentioned that Dr. King would be “Turning in his grave” as there was not enough talk about justice.

Toward the end of Dr. West’s critical response on Sharpton’s speech, West stated “We saw, of course, the coronation of the bonafide house negro of the Barack Obama plantation, our dear brother Al Sharpton supported by the Micheal Eric Dysons and others who’ve really prostituted themselves intellectually in a very ugly vicious way.”                                                           

                                                                     Djimon Hounsou’s thoughts on Marriage:


Djimon Hounsou

Despite his 5 ½ year relationship with Kimora Lee Simmons, Djimon Hounsou is not too keen on the idea of marriage. While promoting his upcoming film, the former Amistad star took some time to share his thoughts on tying the knot. “The idea of marrying somebody can actually ruin the union” he told Hip Hollywood. “Some people are happily together for decades and they get this fantasy idea to go and get married, when it’s just about papers. Eventually it goes sour.”

Although Djimon and Kimora were never married, they share a 4-year-old son named Kenzo; and in 2008, the couple held a ceremony in Benin (Hounsou’s native country), solidifying their commitment to each other. In November of 2012, Kimora Lee-Simmons took to twitter to announce their separation.


3 thoughts on “Tyler Perry donates $1M, Cornel West calls out Al Sharpton, and more…

  1. Interesting articles Erik. I am not that fond of Cornel West – he is always talking down someone. I just don’t get this guy. Isn’t he married to a white woman?

    Posted by Valerie | September 4, 2013, 10:55 PM
  2. I think Tyler Perrry is so Blessed because he is always Blessing other’s. I appreciate how he came in and collaborated with Oprah and actually helped her out. And now he is giving to a ministry for youth. People are always talking about our youth but never really providing a remedy – well, Tyler did, and so many young men and women will be Blessed, strenghtened , empowered, encouraged, uplifted, and I can go on and on. Because whatever God ordains he supports, and Tyler Perry is truly generous and God has demonstrated his favor in Tyler’s life.

    Posted by Valerie | September 4, 2013, 11:00 PM

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